To Cover... Or Not?

Posted on July 1, 2021 at 4:36 PM

Cover or not

Picture this... You've got an awesome design on your company vehicle, and then you find out to your shock the car is not legal when you get your next WOF. Vehicle types MA, MB, MC and NA means a lot when it comes to vehicle graphics. Many passenger cars will not meet WOF regulations with decals on windows. We've done our share of research and question asking to highlight some passenger vehicle basics of what you need to know about what you plan to cover.

At the time of writing, the current rules limit what you can apply to the MA classification. That's pretty much all standard passenger cars and includes some SUV type vehicles and others that do not meet the NZTA off-road criteria.

Check out the type class system here

Check out the rules for graphics for each type here

MA - 9 seats or less - Basically all 2WD's (SUV, Stationwagon or sedan) are MA passenger vehicles. Some 4WD SUV's are also classed as MA, so watch out for that. You have very limited options what you can put on the rear and back side windows.

MB - 9 seats or less - This class of vehicle is a bit more complex than the others. Your vehicle pretty much has to be 4WD and meet 4 of 5 listed off-road criteria. You can go to town with graphics on the rear and back side windows.

MC - 9 seats or less - Forward control vehicle (steering wheel right near the front). This is all your vans with seats and people movers.You can go to town with graphics on the rear and back side windows.

NA - 9 seats or less - Pretty much all of the ute/pick-up truck or tradie vans out there. You can go to town with graphics on the rear and back side windows.

It can be a challenge to identify your vehicle type, but rest assured when you use Adgraphix we can check that all out for you and advise your options.





Tags: vehicle graphics, Articles;